Christmas Gifts

Gifts are one of the most anticipated parts of Christmas. The children eagerly go to sleep at night eager about when would Santa Claus climb down from the chimney and lay the gift by the Christmas tree. Come morning the kids rush to the tree to open up their parcel in all excitement. Guess it would shock to children when they finally realize the legend of the Santa one fine day. On the other hand all family members carefully pick presents for their family member and leave it at the tree. Usually each member is aware what their near and dear ones have always been wanting throughout the year and their members make arrangements accordingly to gift them what will be their favourite presents. It could be anything. Tickets to tourist destination, a gold ornament, a box of chocolates, a new sports gear or a new play station.

Talking about Santa Claus, this iconic and well loved figure has its own tale of history attached to it.

The American Version of Santa drew its inspiration by Dutch legend Sinter Klaas who was brought by settlers to New York in the 17th century. On another note it was writer Washington Irving who gave an authentic account of the Dutch version of Saint Nicholas. Under the pseudonym of Diedrich Knickerbocker in the History of New York , the writer has written about arrival of Santa on horseback which are each considered to be the eve of Saint Nicholas.

The popular version of today's Christian-era Santa Claus is said to be inspired from Bishop Nicholas of Smyrna (Izmir) Nicholas lived in the 4th century A.D who was said to be living in present day Turkey. He was known to be a very generous, loving and rich man known to be a very philanthropic man. It is said he would often throw gifts into windows of home that housed poor children. St. Nicholas became the patron saint of children and seafarers.

In England he came to be called Father Christmas. St. Nicholas made his way to the United States with Dutch immigrants, and began to be referred to as Santa Claus. The legend of Santa Claus today is envisioned as a lovable old man in a red jacket with pompom topped hat and riding a sleigh that fly through the air attached to rein deers. He would then climb down chimney and deliver the gift children have been wanting have been praying all around the year and keep visiting houses all through the night and bringing early morning smiles to a lot of little faces.