Christmas Poems & Quotes

Christmas the festival that commemorates the birth of Christ is a day of great happiness where people attend mass, sing carols get together with dear ones and have delicious food. It's a festival of belonging where near and dear ones all come together to celebrate the spirit of Christmas. Here we have compiled some nice and touching poems that have managed to capture that soul of this festival and will bring a smile to your face.

In the silent echoes of the night
The twinkling of stars guide our way|
Sparkling crystals spread before us
To remind all we have friends
Not only very near
But far away as well

It is within our hearts we find
That tiny thread of caring
At times we are selfish about sharing
So we just leave these feelings behind

Reach in and grasp that thread
Blow it into the blistering wind
Wait for it to be found
You will be surprised how far it goes around.
Helen C Downy

Christmas brings such a time of love
Each tender heart holds so much of

Unselfishness thrives, trust is strong
The purpose to give, send love along

A time of pleasantries, patience too
Good wishes to all, all feelings true

Thankfulness follows each fine deed
Gifts from our God, never from greed

Great the rewards that joy does bring
Like the beauty in hearing angels sing

We pray for our loved, each so dear
Especially those who can't be near

Many leave home to bravely serve
All freedoms we have, they preserve

Do pray for our troops, as we should
And their families too, if you would

Give thanks to our Lord, His only Son
And cherish His Christmas, everyone.

Roger J. Robicheau

The tempting gifts are tantalizing;
About opening them, we are fantasizing.
The holiday foods are appetizing;
Our excitement and joy are growing and rising;
Our hearts and minds are harmonizing;
Jolly Christmas fun we're maximizing!
By Joanna Fuchs

The things that you do mean a great deal to me
They bring me joy in the midst of a dreadful day.
Although I know I do not deserve an angel like you.
It delights me that you care for me in such a way.

Like when you do something to let me know I am special,
The things that you do make our love even more real
But the best thing is I know that you are there for me.
You always say something to change the way that I feel;

You have lovingly showered your kindness upon me.
You are there to bring needed brightness to my dreary day
You have become an important and inspiring part of my life.
Thank you are the words I am really trying my best to say.

~Reginald Levi Walker

A Christmas gambol oft could cheer
The poor man's heart through half the year.

Sir Walter Scott

Christmas hath a darkness;
Brighter than the blazing noon;
Christmas hath a chillness
Warmer than the heat of June,
Christmas hath a beauty
Lovelier than the world can show:
For Christmas bringeth Jesus,
Brought for us so low.

Christina Rosetti

Good news from heaven the angels bring,
Glad tidings to the earth they sing:
To us this day a child is given,
To crown us with the joy of heaven.
Martin Luther

At Christmas I no more desire a rose,
Than wish a snow in May's new-fangled shows;
But like of each thing that in season grows.
William Shakespeare

I heard the bells on Christmas Day
Their old familiar carols play,
And wild and sweet the words repeat
Of peace on Earth, good will to men!
HW. Longfellow